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About megannn

  • Rank
    Bronze Member

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  • Interests
    Electronics, Interior Design / Architecture, Home Furnitures, Soft Furnishing / Home Accessories, Home Appliances

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  1. where did u get these too? any hole for drainage below each pot?
  2. may i know where did u get this and how much is it for this? including installation? thanks!
  3. very nice bookcase! too bad i don't have the budget to make such a big bookcase i too agree that the hole at upper right corner for the brick wall looks weird. haha.
  4. i went to InspireID, carpenters SG and destyle too. they are very very expensive and i don't feel comfortable with them so i ended up rejecting them. i was also attended by an ah beng in InspireID like BudgetLP. furthermore has bad smoker's breath during our meeting. Almost stepped into Sky Creation but luckily didn't... heard they forced people to sign on the spot if not they can't leave their premises.
  5. i only know GST calculated for those items shipped by sea. GST also calculated for items shipped by air above S$400.
  6. i used ezbuy prime trial membership in the end.. haha.. ended up with delivering a lot after floor tiles were done only.
  7. hi.. went to your balestier outlet but was advised the vouchers can't be used.. can only be used at Ubi or tradehub... please advise.. also wish to know if there's any limitation in using the vouchers... thanks..
  8. anybody has this problem? before we pay our deposit to him, of course his replies are quicker... i know...he's trying to get our business.. after we paid our 15% deposit to him, he replies slower... need to be so 现实 meh? how to handle such issues leh?
  9. my partner and i are not high usage of aircon. if day time hot, probably 2-4 hours usage. if hot at night, then just before we sleep we may switch on about 1-2 hours to cool down the room and sleep. currently we are the only two who will stay in our BTO so we will stay in the master bedroom. thinking if we should install system 1 only in the master bedroom or install system 3 in all 3 bedrooms. any advice?
  10. Hello. May i know when did ur wife start buying tb stuff and which shipping company did she use?
  11. when should i start buying taobao furniture & bathroom accessories & lightings? thinking of using Ezbuy Prime. if the delivery is too early (i.e. if the tiling is not completed yet!), where do you all keep them?