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  1. WA DEXIGN PTE LTD We create and build memorable and inspiring interior for residential, show suites and offices. As an interior design company, we able to produce consistent work quality to meet our client's requirements. Let us partner with you to achieve your objectives. We offers you a complete and comprehensive range of service, along with a team of professional advisers that work closely with you to develop a plan to suit your needs. Contact us now for a Non-obligatory consultation. For more design works, do visit our website for our portfolio. http://www.wadexign.com Contact Person: Winnie Bak (Hui Yi) Mobile no.: +65 9061 0433 Email: wadexign@gmail.com
  2. WA DEXIGN PTE LTD We create and build memorable and inspiring interior for residential, show suites and offices. As an interior design company, we able to produce consistent work quality to meet our client's requirements. Let us partner with you to achieve your objectives. We offers you a complete and comprehensive range of service, along with a team of professional advisers that work closely with you to develop a plan to suit your needs. Contact us now for a Non-obligatory consultation. For more design works, do visit our website for our portfolio. http://www.wadexign.com Contact Person: Winnie Bak (Hui Yi) Mobile no.: +65 9061 0433 Email: wadexign@gmail.com
  3. Just as a dot symbolizes the very beginning of the design process, at First Dot Design we start with you, our customer. We believe in producing interior design work that is specially designed with your precise needs and wishes in mind. We endeavor to create interior spaces that not only match the design brief but also making a unique statement. All interior space has its own character & identity. We aim to create the best experience for all users of interior space. We believe in helping our client achieve their desired results through creativity not only in the design aspects, but also in how we manage the available budget and resources. In short, we commit to put our heart and soul into designing the dream home that matches your needs, budget, and lifestyle! Contact us for a discussion today First Dot Design Pte Ltd 3A Geylang Lorong 7 Singapore 388787 Email: enquiries@firstdotdesign.com.sg Tel: 6717-5885 (10am – 6pm) Mobile: 9338 2889 (24 hrs)
  4. As a noob when it comes to renovating, I had restless nights since the day I got quotations from various IDs ( some quotation are quite confusing tho ) But that's when I started to learn and slowly becoming a so called "expert" in it. Comparing and finalising from few quotations I had in hand was really difficult and mind-taxing. That is when I met up with my designer from Ben Design Firm. The meet-ups was always comfortable and relaxing. Not only, did my ID patiently listen to my Husband and mine ideas and requests. he also slowly guided us throughout our discussions. He also proposed good and constructive ideas to meet our requests. Aside he is responsive to calls and most of our discussion was over the phone, so things were settled quickly. He always does his best and do not over commit and give empty promises. Though, it is the initial stage of the whole renovation, I am very impressed with his professionalism and responsibility. In addition,. he is also very knowledgeableand often advise us the pros and cons during discussion. Just did my handover last week and my whole renovation process with him will be an enjoyable and hassle free one. So far, I am very satisfied, I would definitely recommend Ben Design Firm to others. I am proud to announce my new home. Cheers to all. If u require my ID contact , you may drop me your email or contact number.
  5. Hello everyone! My wife and I are avid readers of renotalk and have been reading all the amazing home transformations, taking pointers from all the experienced gurus here. Now that our renovation journey is about to come to an end, we thought we would like to give back as well by sharing how the whole process went by. A short introduction, we were house scouting back in 2014, and completed all the paperwork in mid 2015. After our ROM (HDB's requirement), we embarked on our renovation journey in September 2015 and completed everything just before Christmas last year. It has been a roller coaster of a journey, and we have learnt so much from everyone in renotalk, contractors and IDs. I'm sure it has been, or will be for all of you too. So, without further ado, our floor plan. We knew we wanted to get a resale 5 room flat, so we spent quite some time deciding on what floor plan we would like to have, and after extensive reading, we decided on a maisonette because we like to host guests and everyone could hang out downstairs while we could keep our privacy upstairs. We also browsed through many pages on renotalk with 'interesting' floor plans, good and not so ideal floor plans for designing, and figured this was probably one of the better layouts available for EMs. Basically we liked big spaces and wanted to fully maximise the space usage available. We kind of decided on how we wanted our house to look like even before purchasing the place. Haha. So we chanced upon this house after 3 - 4 months of home viewings, non-stop propertyguru surfing and bought the place! Some before photos: Actually the place is pretty much move in condition, just need to do some minor renovation in the toilets and refurbishment works for the cabinets and it would be very good already. But then you see all those pretty pictures and renovation plans from hipvan and other tblog chats, wa.. we decided to do a complete overhaul. Heh. So, next was ID hunting!
  6. Any Renotalkers have experience with POSH LIVING? Share with the community. Good or Bad
  7. Hi Everyone, Would like to share my terrible renovation experience with you to avoid such unpleasant experience that i had, and also to seek for your advice on what action I can take against my immoral and unprofessional contractors. 2016 Sep, I found an interior design company “Singapore Carpentry Spaces Pte Ltd” to do my shop renovation. From a few prior renovation discussion with the ID, I had a good impression on him. So I decided to award my project (shop renovation in a shop mall) to his company. The ID was sincere and told me that his company doesn’t have any electrician. Thus he could recommend his partner, SOH CHOON SENG (CS ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING SERVICES), without any price mark-up for electrical work. I finally agreed to use SOH CHOON SENG‘s service and this has resulted in the nightmare thereafter. I don’t know SOH CHOON SENG and I want to keep one single of contact to make my job easy. So I told the ID from the beginning that I will communicate to him only for all renovation work related. He agreed for a good will, he would help liaise with his partner SOH CHOON SENG. Initially I planned to buy lights from China and shipped here to save cost. My ID suggested to help me buy from Johor as he knew a few shops there and the price is as low as half to one third of Singapore’s price. I thought it was a good idea and agreed. Until a few days before the lights installed, I was informed that SOH CHOON SENG bought the lights from some local factory at a lower cost. I asked for the price. It was not given to me until the final invoice. Attached has the invoice for lights. The spot lights are charged S$28 and S$38 separately. I also attached the photo of spot lights used. If the lights was good and worthy for the prices, that would be fine. In the first two weeks, three spot lights are spoiled. When I asked for warranty, he agreed to come back to change if they are spoiled. (see our conversation attached). However after he had replaced 10 spoiled lights within one month, he stop responding to me for spoiled lights any more. In the last 5 months, totally 30+ such spot lights are spoiled.. This really pissed me off. This was not the only thing. When he was doing the renovation, he found one of the electrical requirement was not fulfilled as specified in my contract with landlord. I told the mall management and my contractor it should be fixed by mall management. However I overhead the conversation between SOH CHOON SENG and his best friend and the LEW of my side, Ng Yue ham, at the shopping mall escalator. I happened standing behind them. SOH CHOO SENG saw me and keep silent. Ng Yue ham didn’t know me and kept talking. Ng Yue ham gave him idea of forcing me to fix the issue because both parties(mall managements’ LEW and they) will get paid. I was angry and told my ID what I heard. SOH CHOON SENG explained that Ng Yue ham was 胡说八道. And asked me don’t take it serious. To avoid further delay to my delayed renovation(this could be another topic of SOH CHOON SENG and my ID), I agreed to help mall management fix it at my own cost if the cost is 1k around. The fix involves the shopping mall’s LEW to shutting down the building electricity and update the drawing diagram. Building's LEW initially quoted me 2k plus, which I declined and refused to do. My smart LEW Ng Yue ham spoke to his counterpart and ask them to split the cost into two receipt and charge me separately so it would look cheaper. However the admin of mall management’s LEW company called me and told me about it. She explained that such method is not allowed and illegal. It once again updated me my impression on them! There is a lot to say about the immoral and unprofessional things that they have done. The project is really poor quality and pissed me off. I also felt that their price is super expensive considering its quality. However I didn’t sign service agreement with him. What shall i do to make him pay back for the terrible things done to me? Thanks for your advice in advance.
  8. We know the trend now is for consumers to buy directly from Suppliers. Especially those from Johor. Reason? Cost saving of course! Homeowners are smart nowadays. They research and shop online for the cheapest and best deals. So Renotalk has since expanded into Johor and get suppliers and interior designers or contractors listed here https://www.renotalk.com/johor Got any good ones to suggest? let us know or you can send this link to your friends to register: https://www.renotalk.com/business/register
  9. Hi there! I have just kick started my 2-months long renovation but am already bogged down by two troubles 1) Unsatisfactory quality of work provided by window installation contractor The window contractor provided sub-par service e.g cement was unevenly applied such that some stretches are more hollow. This is not a joking situation as my flat is a corner-unit, hence should the windor falls due to poor installation, it could easily kill passerbys or break cars. On the first complain, the contractor has agreed to re-do the cementing. In their own defence, the contractors claimed that the unsatisfactory work was due to the fact that the employees are not well-trained in handling high-rise hdb flats; more trained in handling landed houses. Also, the dust filter that should be securely stuck to the bottom-edge of the window easily peel-ed off!! What can I do if the re-cementing is still unsatisfactory? 2) Incessant complaining from neighbour staying directly below our unit Since the start of our renovation, this neighbour has been making persistent complains about our noisy renovation. However, our contractors have completed the major hackings within the assigned dates. On everyday basis, renovation begins after 9am and ends before 6pm. Apart from complains on noise, she has also accused us of ruining her ceiling. Prior to kicking start our renovation, we had requested to enter their house and took photos of their ceilings. Photos were provided as evidence that her current state of ceiling were the same prior to our renovation. She has since insisted for us to pay for her maintenance else she would sue us. Any advice on this second trouble? Would appreciate any advice/suggestion on these double troubles :(
  10. Introducing Art into Interior Spaces “A chance for you to tell a story about who you are, what you’ve done, the ever-changing things that you love”. At the heart of LayerPlay, is the commitment to bringing fresh, immersive interior experiences that awe & excite, to liven the aesthetics and ambience of any indoor living setting. There are those who would say a dull coat of paint would suffice. But why hide layers of personality that tell your unique tale under common paint? When it comes to your home, settling is never an option – creative expression is. We’re passionate about helping our clients tell their story through our highly customizable and tailored Digital Printerior Solutions. LayerPlay seeks to enable and delight the creative in you! Working together with a multi-disciplinarian team of dedicated consultants, talented artists, designers and industry collaborators. From start to finish, we’ll transform a humble abode to one that’s worth talking about.
  11. Introducing Art into Interior Spaces “A chance for you to tell a story about who you are, what you’ve done, the ever-changing things that you love”. At the heart of LayerPlay, is the commitment to bringing fresh, immersive interior experiences that awe & excite, to liven the aesthetics and ambience of any indoor living setting. There are those who would say a dull coat of paint would suffice. But why hide layers of personality that tell your unique tale under common paint? When it comes to your home, settling is never an option – creative expression is. We’re passionate about helping our clients tell their story through our highly customizable and tailored Digital Printerior Solutions. LayerPlay seeks to enable and delight the creative in you! Working together with a multi-disciplinarian team of dedicated consultants, talented artists, designers and industry collaborators. From start to finish, we’ll transform a humble abode to one that’s worth talking about.
  12. Finding for Office Renovation and Office System Furniture for a reasonable price? Thinking of design but worry about the design fee? Want to makeover your office to become a more cozy and comfortable environment? This will be the right company Flexoffice System (S) Pte Ltd to solve your problems with reasonable price!!!! Jacqueline Tan sales2@flexoffice.com.sg +65 9193 8086 +65 6481 5072
  13. Hey guys, I am here to share my experience working with Singapore Carpentry. I have heard a lot of horror stories regarding renovation so I was sceptical about finding a good interior designer, to say the least. A friend of mine recommended me to this company and helped me to get an appointment with Ernest Tan. He was very patient with me and really listened to the concerns I had regarding this process. He explained how the whole renovation process works, the approximate duration it would take and give me a range of how much this whole renovation would cost. I showed him the kind of style I wanted my home to be like and passed him my floor plan and a couple of days later he sent me a sketch of my home (Landed property: Living room, Kitchen, Dining room, 4 Bedrooms) and I was sold. I signed the contract a week after that and it was the best decision I’ve made for my new home. He sent me a more detailed 3D sketch subsequently and everything was a breeze from there. Ernest handled everything from start to finish (plumbing, electrical wiring, tiling, ceiling etc were all in-house services so he arranged everything). There were a couple of hiccups here and there with contractors (there was a delay from contractors doing false ceiling and so the other work like tiling etc had to be delayed as well) but Ernest was on site to handle all these matters personally and made sure that there would be no delay on the dateline that was given to me (12 weeks). I was impressed with Ernest regarding this specific occasion. So I spoke to a few other IDs regarding this particular concern I had and all but Ernest told me he would make it work. I wanted to convert my backyard from what was plain and empty into one where my family could lounge around and relax in. All the IDs told me they couldn’t do this work at the budget I was willing to set aside, but Ernest made that possible for me. He really helped me cut cost where he could and advised me on certain materials that I could substitute so it still serves the purpose without expanding a hole in my pocket. Another thing I need to highlight is their carpentry work. They handle these services in-house, so it's much cheaper than what you get outside for the same quality and workmanship, so I really recommend this service if you are looking for one. I got all my cabinets done by them for kitchen, wardrobe etc and everyone comments on how sleek they look. The whole renovation work took slightly less than 11 weeks. My wife and I are very pleased with the end results, so we really recommend this company. Anyone interested in engaging them can contact my designer, Ernest Tan at 81004193.
  14. anyone has great experience with hoong fatt heng renovation contractor in singapore here? review here and help the community! https://www.renotalk.com/professionals/hoong-fatt-heng-renovation-pte-ltd #WeAreRenotalkers
  15. Even want a cat friendly house? Here’s some guide published by our writer https://www.renotalk.com/professionals/article/cat-friendly-playgrounds-at-home
  16. Hi, Can't find much reviews on Casa Spazio, person in charge - Alan. Wonder if anyone has any experience with this id/reno firm? Thanks.
  17. My turn, my turn to post finally! same here, has been browsing this forum since i got my unit till i got my keys. This is a hybrid flat. What hybrid? becoz its a mix btw a new house and old, having new and old features, best of all worlds..haha. 1) the unit is 123sqm (only older generation 5Rm flats have this size i guess.) --old 2) i have neighbours on the same level that is corridor unit (new BTO flats are all corner flats now) --old 3) i have a service yard! -- new 4) my rubbish chute is outside the house! (go away cockroaches!)-- new There you go, a Hybrid! haha...i named it myself....please don't go to HDB and say you wanna buy a Hybrid flat!!! no such thing...i made this up! ok, here goes. floor plan. http://
  18. Hi guys, I would actually like to share my experience with a contractor/id, give them a little shoutout in return as they really managed to give me the full package and i'm so so thankful. They are recommended by my friend. My house is a 4-room flat and have not changed for almost 20 years and kitchen has worn and torn. So I'm getting my whole kitchen and whole house painting done and on quite a tight budget as i can't take up loans and also on a tight timeline. Though my house is still undergoing renovation, but i can say the process up till now is very satisfying. My budget was $10,000+-. At first the quotation they gave me was nearly $12,000 but after i went down for further discussion and taking my budget into consideration, they were very understanding and considerate so the end quote is $10,020++. Their consultant especially is very friendly. I texted her almost everyday asking questions and even called her . I thought she would find me annoying. She was also the one who sent me pdf copies of all the quotation even after i keep changing my mind. Usually other people would ignore me or reply late and send their quotes through text. But she very was sincere. After that when i went down for further consulltations they even guided me in choosing materials and designs to best fit my requirements and budget. I can see they treat all their clients with care like a priority which is shocking as nowadays i've heard from my family friends encountering rude ids or people who just ignore you once they see the budget. Very pekcek when it happened to me. During renovation all i can say is their manpower 10/10. I know they have quite a few other clients to renovate for but despite all of it, the manpower are still positive plus i have to get all these done within 2-3 weeks. Whenever i have questions regarding certain works, they explained to me nicely. I know I know i'm kindof annoying when i'm unsure hahahaha... So overall for now im very satisfied with whats going on in my kitchen. Can't wait for it to be done then i'll post up the pictures and do a final review But for now heres the final quote they sent me! Do pm me if you want their contact! Oh and also surprisingly they have no hidden fees. So if any of you are on a tight budget i really recommend you them. Just explain your situation and i'm sure they'll understand. 1. Supply labour to hack existing kitchen cabinet ($250) 2. Supply labour and tools to connection kitchen sink water supply and outlay pipe Supply labour and tools to intstall master and common toilet toilet bowl and accessories Supply labour and tools to install new stainless steel pipes to kitchen and toilets ($1,280) For above 3. 3. Supply material and labour to plaster master toilet walls ($950) 4. Supply material and labour to plaster common toilet walls ($950) 5. Design and fabricate to install kitchen cabinet with internal colour PVC and soft close system - Top hang kitchen cabinet cooker hood design cabinet with door soft closer 7ft ($840) - Bottom kitchen cabinet cooker design with 3 sets of carpentry drawer with innotech runner 7ft ($840) - Solid surface table top to cooker cabinet table top design 7ft ($490) 6. Design and fabricate to install kitchen tall unit for built in oven 6ft ($720) 7. Design and fabricate to install island counter at kitchen area with solid surface 4ft ($890) 8. Design and fabricate to install shelves in kitchen area ($1100) 9. Supply labour for painting whole house wall and ceiling including water drain pipe, door and door frame with Nippon Vinilex 5000 paints ($1200) 10. Debris out from job site ($200) 11. Clearing work affected by renovation ($350) If any of you have questions regarding how my reno is going i'll answer all of them.
  19. Recently my friend just won a Toto with around $10,000+. He wanted to use the money to renovate his house. But he is struggling which part should renovate first? Is it a kitchen, bedroom or living room first? Can anyone give some suggestion or pieces of advice? Thank you so much!
  20. Hi all, Im looking to renovate my home’s 2 bathroom and kitchen sink area. ID quoted $25K which I thought was rather expensive and wanted to get a 2nd opinion. ID did not mention floor area of work (cpsf). 2 bathrooms: - hacking of floor and wall tiles. Screed and tile relay. - Installation of bathroom fixtures and stainless steel pipe replacement. This alone costed close to $12K. - swing and slide doors installation Kitchen: - main work at sink area (est 5ft), including design and fabricate sink bottom with laminate finish with trimming door. - fabrication and design of dish rack on TOP of sink area.
  21. Hi all, I was fond of looking for interior designs and renovation then came across in this website. Started reading some renovation recommendations and I just want to also share my renovation experience with this ID and they have their own contractor as well. I just want to help those who are looking for ID / contractors to transform their house into a home. My friend recommended them and scheduled for an appointment to discuss our reno. They were very open to our suggestions of what kind of design concept we want and they were also great at suggesting alternative concept to make the designs improve more but with a cheaper budget. They were very good at explaining the details and how they update the schedule of the reno. They were very accommodating and all the small issues were settled. Overall, my house turned to be a relaxing and cozy home! Below are the photos of my house. I’m happy to share their contact with you.
  22. Hi, does anyone have contacts referral for a good arbitrator/quantity surveyor? Looking for arbitrator. Thanks.
  23. Simple Victorian Newly Home 4BR Communicate with the contractor are very simple & precise. Budget is on point & workmanship are good. Can't wait for the end product of the Victorian theme renovation. Let the picture do the works.
  24. Renovation a room or space in your house? We want to help! Beach House Pictures is offering a very limited offer of Free Interior Design services and Free Labour/Contractors for all works - Potentially saving you thousands of dollars from your renovation. Interested? Email joe@beachhousepictures.com with a brief description of your renovation idea! Good Luck. Joe
  25. Let care more to our love one at home. Let's get ourselves and our parent equipped with these smart devices at home. Most of us move out of our parent's place when we settle down and form our own families. Our aging parents become more vulnerable to serious injuries from falls or any form of accident at home. These accidental occur at home and have serious consequences. Forgetting to off the gas and resulting in fire, tripping and falling at home is a leading cause of hip fractures, forearm fractures and traumatic brain injuries among seniors. Promoting independent living for seniors and preventing accidents become an important aspect of graceful aging. In the era of Internet of Things (IoT), there is a wide array of non-intrusive smart devices to help alleviate physical and emotional pain from unnecessary accidents, providing ease of mind for children, without invading the privacy of the elderly. Here's some of the recommended devices: Smoke Detector https://h4sh.automate.asia/products/fibaro-smoke-sensor Flood Sensor https://h4sh.automate.asia/products/fibaro-flood-sensor Toilet Sensor https://h4sh.automate.asia/products/toilet-sensor Adaptive Bed Senor https://h4sh.automate.asia/products/adaptive-bed-sensor-with-bluetooth-transmitter Chair Sensor https://h4sh.automate.asia/products/chair-sensor Motion Sensor https://h4sh.automate.asia/products/fibaro-motion-sensor Do contact us for a free and no-obligation smart home consultation. Let stay healthy and smartly. Mobile: (+65) 9114 9735 / (+65) 9792 2846 Email: info@automate.asia