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  1. Hi everyone, just wanted to share this small company with you guys that i happen to stumble upon looking for contractors to renovate my house. This company i found was referred to me by my friend. Which he find very reliable for doing their house not long ago too. From what i know its a family business and have been in this industry for over 30 years. I found their website but not much were stated. I was very impress by the way he gave their quotation. He will come to my house and show me the quote. Explained to me all the quoted items and how they are going to coordinate their project. Because i was living in the house during the course of renovation. I was very happy how they clean up my house and even mopped my house at the end of every work day. Every evening when i come back home, he would ask if there's any issue with the renovation before going off. Overall the coordination was very pleasant and satisfying that i came home everyday and there's progression done. Design of the house were mostly done by us. He will tell us if designs were impractical and give us a more practical design. He was very honest and not like others that will just say its impossible to be done without explanation. Overall i was really pleased with how the work turn out. I think that sometimes small company have more sincerity in doing stuff. I would love to post the pictures that they done here but my house is currently very untidy from all the stuff. Maybe once i have unpacked i will share it with everyone. Cheers Updates. Here are some of the photos for my house
  2. Buy high quality Grade A counterfeit money Real Passports, Visas, Driver's License ,ID CARDS, Marriage certificates, Diplomas, Birth Certificates, Credit cards, Utility bills, Social Security cards, Resident permits, Death certificates, Seaman cards, e.t.c Text/WhatsApp +17202488130 ( lifiben@gmail.com ) high quality undetectable counterfeit banknotes for sale buy high quality counterfeit money online buy undetectable counterfeit money online cheap buy 100% undetectable counterfeit money uk high quality counterfeit money for sale counterfeit money supplier best place to buy counterfeit money buy counterfeit money online Text/WhatsApp +17202488130 ( lifiben@gmail.com )
  3. Hi guys, I just bought a resale condo of 1023sqft. Currently quite bare with no built-in fixtures (except for the existing wardrobes). Looking to do the following: - Removal of laminate flooring and replacing with parquet for the rooms (total of 406sqft); prob need to hack abit before laying parquet - Installation of Feature wall in living room - Painting of whole house with off-white paint) How much you think this will cost? And if anybody has got reliable ID/contractors to do this? Thanks
  4. Hi guys, I just bought a resale condo of 1023sqft. Currently quite bare with no built-in fixtures (except for the existing wardrobes). Looking to do the following: - Removal of laminate flooring and replacing with parquet for the rooms (total of 406sqft); prob need to hack abit before laying parquet - Installation of Feature wall in living room - Painting of whole house with off-white paint) How much you think this will cost? And if anybody has got reliable ID/contractors to do this? Thanks
  5. Hi all, I am new to this forums but has been browsing here since i was looking for a ID/Contractor to renovate my resale flat. We all understand the agony of finding a good responsive & responsible renovation contractor. I just want to share some of my experience renovating my kitchen which includes hacking + re-tiling works from this ID. To be frank, we are all afraid of cutting chopped due to us doing very little reno as compared to others doing their whole flat so we thought the cost might be slightly more pricey. Then we came upon this ID we saw on this forums posted with their promo package, we decided to give them a call. We talked and set an appointment the next day to share our ideas/concepts of our home. Like most of the people would say, most of the ID is only keen on making more money but instead he would actually explained specifically some of the more complicated design of how it will be constructed that might be costly. He would then suggest alternatively another similar concept but at a cheaper budget. We thought, “That was great!” We told them that we don’t really need any fancy design and proposed if they could come out with one based on our needs and budget. At the same time, we also choose our laminate and material in their office (which happen to be nearby our place also). With many variety to choose from, he will also offer different suggestion of which material will benefit and which is more of within our budget range. As much as we are concerned, it was really a pleasant meeting with him as he accommodate us without trying to upsell anything. However, end of the day, in fact we still thinks quotation is the last key factor if it is a scam or not. After a few days, to our surprised, it was actually within our budget and during our second meetup, he would explained in details of how each is being charged accordingly. We decided to go with them and proceed with the renovation work. Overall, he also provided us with a free rubbish chute which we are alarmingly surprised. We thanks him so much for the work done in this 2 weeks to help coordinate and keep the works on schedule. I will let the rest of the pic talks. BEFORE WORK IN PROGRESS AFTER FREE RUBBISH CHUTE FROM THE ID
  6. Greetings from Mugen Design, We provides services such as: -Interior Design -3D Visualizing -2D space planning -Renovation Our professional design team to ensure our services on time and with good quality. If there is anything you want to cooperate or interested with us, Feel free to contact us for further information 👍 Contact via: https://wa.me/message/MY2CVWY4PFUJD1 Check us via: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mugendesignjb Portfolio: https://www.rtist.com.my/MugenDesign
  7. Decided to write up a short blog on our renovation journey, hoping that it will help future home-owners with their reno process! First things first, contractors or interior designers? Probably the ever-famous topic for every one. Of course, contractors were our initial plan. Why? Advise from friends & relatives for being famously cheap (cheaper than ID that is). I guess that's one of the main reasons why people opt for contractors instead. As it was our first house, we didn't really have a concept/theme (which is a problem if we took contractors) other than the usual Scandinavian/Minimalist settings which I prefer not to have because everyone is doing it (don't have concept still want to be different). After probably months of debate (i think?), finally we decided to just go for an ID. Problems we faced? "Why so expensive, you all still take?" "Contractors also can do the exact same thing, but at a cheaper price" "Do you know that some IDs cannot be trusted?" I guess the very reason why we chose ID over contractors was not only because we didn't have a concept, but we were also worried about the liaising issues. Having contractors meant that, we have to liaise with them directly and telling them specifically what we want/do not want. So it still boils down to whether home-owners know what they REALLY want. (very obvious we don't, hence the choice of ID) After the first obstacle was done, next came the interesting/time-consuming part; finding an Interior Designer! We didn't really meet a lot of IDs mainly because we don't want to give ourselves too much choices to choose from. For me and my husband, being comfortable with the ID and s/he is able to understand what we really want is the essence of the whole process (of course also making sure that the firm is trustworthy, find reviews!). Finding the cheapest deal is definitely on everyone's list but then again, what's the catch? Make sure to run through the entire quotation(s) point by point, and please do not hesitate to raise any questions (we are talking about a huge sum here). End of the day, cheap doesn't entirely means good. We met about 4 IDs? End up, we decided to hand the trophy to Jade from The Local INN.terior! She was the first designer that we met. Quirky, genuine and very confident in what she delivers. She was very prompt in following up too, despite us not signing any deals with her yet and mind you, she was having a leisure trip at that point of time. Other than her quirkiness & funny laughter, probably one of the biggest reason we chose her was because, not only we felt that whatever she designed/proposed was aligned to what we wanted but she would also input her own designs for our references (if not what's the point of having an ID right?). In a nutshell, she's someone that we can talk cock to but yet serious at the right time. Proceeded to signing the treaty with her, and down to Hafary for tiles shopping! Kitchen Tiles with Kompacplus, Vinyl Flooring & Paint Color! Toilet tiles with Kompacplus & Carpentry Laminate! Of course we went together with Jade, and spent a good 2-3 hours walking around choosing the best tiles for our nest! Never did she once rushed to choose the tiles or attempt to brush us off by just choosing those "common never go wrong" tiles. Hanging out with her was never an issue, below is an example of what she posted; Asked us to pose with the tiles so she's able to visualise how it will look like (where to find this type of ID!) What comes after tiles shopping? Everyone's favourite; 3D Drawings! (from entrance of the house - living room - kitchen - toilet - bedroom) It was amazeballssssss!! Even though these were the final set of 3D drawings where she conceptualise the actual tiles and materials to the drawings , prior to it Jade had already sent us a draft 3D drawings of our house. Fast forward to taking our keys and house renovation is already on the way (it's only less than 2 months!). Got myself some 'before' pictures of our house! Slipped our mind to snap pictures of the house before any work is done But yay to emoticons! 'Before' works! Hacking away the room adjacent to the living room for our Glass Room in the 3D drawings! Open concept kitchen! Back-splash for our kitchen! So prettzzzz! Master bathroom! (i thought the toilet was big.. ) If any of you homeowners opted for Vinyl flooring, you guys might have to go through cement screeding. However, homeowners are now required to pay for this service from HDB. Luckily, our appeal was successful as we applied for the flat before this rule was implemented. My advice? PLEASE APPEAL! Or at least try even if you apply the flat after they implemented the rule. I have to admit that ID charges a skyrocket high price for this service, hence Jade told us to send in our appeal letter upon getting our keys. She was the one that told us about HDB's new implementation and also advise us on when/how to send the appeal letter to HDB! Honestly, why wouldn't I entrust my house to her? Although our appeal was successful, but we were required to wait almost 8 weeks for their contractors to schedule a timing for the cement screed. Thus we thought that nothing could be done or at least until the screeding was done, but sometimes Jade seems to be more.. excited/worried about the progression of the house than us. In a short span of 2 weeks or 2.5 max, she did almost everything she could, like; hacking, air-con piping, electrical points, false ceilings, tiling for master bathroom and kitchen! (kudos to her workers too) Both our families were equally shocked too. Spell impressive and efficiency Ready for some 'after' works? Back-splash for kitchen! I'm definitely gonna step into the kitchen much more often (oh and the plaster smooth of the walls were done in like 1-1.5 day?) Started works for our master bathroom! Opted for wall tiles in the wet area and cement screed for the dry! Close up of the wall tiles! Definitely hitting the resort style False ceiling was up too! Same goes for the master bedroom's. Cosy house here I come! Mortar base done up nicely in our service yard! What I really really love about Jade is, she's always making sure that we were kept informed of all the works that were on-going or any hiccups along the way. She even introduced us to an app which allows her to put in the entire schedule of the renovation process; what are we supposed to purchase (even state which is urgent) and what were done already. And yes, she did all these manually for every client of hers (not just us). That's what everyone likes right? Black & white all stated very clearly, and knowing what were the next steps going forward. Currently that's all I have to offer! Hope it helps someone! Will come back with more pictures once the screed & more works are done! Hola! Back here to update our renovations and can't wait to share the upcoming pictures! Counting our blessings as screeding was pushed forward by a week! Believe me when I say, they can finished the entire house's screeding by one day (or probably half a day). Another day to let it dry before Jade's tiler can measure our vinyl flooring. Enuff said, let the pictures do the talking! Finally it's screeding time! Had a crazy idea of just changing to cement screed for the entire house.. Since our screeding was brought forward, that just means that the remaining of our renovations schedule will be push forward too! Quickly settled our painting; wall, door & pipes' colours. Same goes for the measurement of doors and floor too! Till date, it made me realise how important it is to have a great rapport with your ID. S/He does not only need to be in the same frequency as us, but they also have to be genuinely looking forward to the completion of our house. The next best thing apart from getting our house, would be knowing Jade as a friend. Mushy-ness aside, anyone is excited to see our vinyl flooring (and painting)!? CAUSE I AM! Vinyl Flooring + Painting! In the midst of preparing! The amount of hard work that they put into each and every house. I. JUST. LOVE. IT. Everything is on point (thou there's nothing yet). View from Master Bedroom Finally I'm doing a minimal Before & After of our house! It's so pleasing to the eyes~ Didn't really paint a lot of colours, in fact we only painted a grey-ish tone on our TV wall and the rest was just cream white. I really adore neutral tones for houses hence the choice to keep it real simple without too much colours dancing around. Leave some of the painting decisions to Jade, of course I'm not disappointed and so was my husband! She chose grey for the service yard's pipes and white for the kitchen's. Once you found yourself a right ID, the amount of work we need to do is pretty minimal One big achievement unlocked, onto the next one; - Carpentry Discussion done - Measuring of Doors & Windows done - Measuring of Glass Works done Everything is done in a jiff! Probably that's all I have to update before the next major schedule which should be our carpentry. Am thinking of doing up a blog with our Taobao loots! Let me know if anyone is keen (if there is..)! Till then peepz! XO
  8. I know that the HDB guidelines state that you can only extend the bathroom by 600mm or 0.6msq, and only used as dry area. Later on, I saw a couple of floor plans that actually extended the boundary of the bathroom more than 600mm out. One person actually commented that "the HDB guideline technically means: 600mm is the distance of your wash basin's pipehole to the original bathroom boundary". Meaning to say, as long as the piping of the wash basin is within 600mm distance of the original bathroom boundary, you can build the new walls however big as you want. Can anybody confirm this? Attaching my floor plan for reference
  9. Hi everyone, in need of advice! I'm currently renovating my 30 year old resale flat and have a problem with the skirting done by my contractor. Before the renovation started, I went with his suggestion to have a tile skirting to match my floor (I wanted to go without skirting or have a white skirting but he said better to use the tiles). Now that the skirting is up, I'm unhappy with the outcome - the skirting looks thick, some parts look thicker than the rest and the finishes on top of the skirting are uneven/wavy. When I raised these concerns to my contractor, he said this is the tiler's technique (i.e. the skirting finishes with a slope upwards) and nothing more can be done as our walls are not straight. He said we can hack and redo with a flat finishing but it will be sharp at the edges (??) and he cannot promise it will look better. Basically, NOTHING CAN BE DONE. Can I seek forumners views: Is what my contractor said true - that nothing can be done? Is this kind of workmanship acceptable? See photos attached. Is it possible to hack away my skirting without damaging the floor tiles? At this point, is it possible to hack away and do without skirting OR replace with a skirting board? Thanks all in advance!
  10. Hi all, Chances are, as you look back on the last 12 months of 2020 you feel a raft of mixed emotions about it. But it has also been a year of learning and new opportunities! Gratitude we have made it through with the support and help from family and friends during this journey.
  11. Hi!!! Anyone has good recommendations for contractors? I’m planning to do some minor renovations for 4 room bto. Please share with me here cos girl needs some help for the first time 🤗 Thank you!!!
  12. My wife and I visited a long list of ID before we agreed for the renovation of our new home. This could be attributed to not only the quality and affordability offered to us but also the meticulous manner their staff, Ms. Selina, did her work. From the start, She was very professional and very accommodating to our ideas and suggested quality advice to match our ideas to our budget. She kept to her schedules without fail. Everyday updated me with what was taken place. I can say that renovation cannot just simply look at cost comparison because price somehow does dictate the quality of materials and workmanship. She was able to communicate and translate our ideas well to put into the design she had for us. She was ever-ready to advice us on the pros & cons of our ideas instead of outright dismissing our ideas regardless how extreme it might sound. And Selina was always patient to our ever-changing ideas and fickle mindedness in our decisions even to the simplest choice of paint colors. I must say Selina did a great job for our place to make our new haven be a beautiful yet simple abode that we always feel comfortable to come home. Ultimately, we felt safe and assured throughout the whole process. I will engage her services again if I ever need another reno in the future. Thanks Selina & Co. Pm me for her contact or email me at s0165793125@gmail.com
  13. has anyone heard of takeONE loans centre in bukit batok? i was referred by my ID as i am looking for a renovation loan. met up with a guy from the takeONE and the interest rate is very attractive at 2.553% p.a. for 5 years for a $40K loan. couples who took renovation loan from banks are aware that the maximum loan we can get is only $30K or 6x of your salary whichever is lower right? so i am very puzzled why he is able to loan me $40K at such attractive interest. their fees & charges(processing, disbursement, late payment, early repayment, cancellation fees are all similar to the banks. he is not willing to reveal more unless i signed with him. anyone has any idea if it is safe to take renovation loan from them? or will it be safer to take from the banks? my spouse is still studying and will be back in a few months' time. by the time he is back he still needs to find a job. that is why we are exploring other options other than the banks as my salary alone will not be able to get hold of the $30K loan.
  14. Hi All My reno journey started about 3 months back when i sold my BTO and found a resale unit .. Life wasnt that simple as I had approx 5 weeks in between to shift The unit i bought was Cheap but badly maintained. I had a ridiculously low budget I was doing this reno solo as my hubby was out of town I researched countless IDs and contractors who told me that it was Impossible to do whatever i wanted ( Hacking , Tiling , Complete Kitchen and Bathroom reno , False Ceiling , Built in Carpentry , Replacement of Room Doors , Window and Grille replacements , Electrical and Plumbing works ) within 5 weeks. The shortest time line i had was 7 weeks and the bill was $48000 ( which was the average amongst most contractors) On a very late night in late August i happen to read to reno forum and got a contact of Mr Seah. I tried my luck and he said he wanted to see my lowest quote and he will try my best to help me. We met at about 9pm at the unit as i was delayed after work . He saw my lowest quote and through to his word offered me a much lower price. We signed the deal immediately as i had no time to waste if i need to move in by the 1st week of October. Needless to say i was a little worried and sceptical coz of the deal i got -- i was afraid i would be short changed or the quality would not be up to my expectation but Mr Seah never failed me. i went to several of his units just to be more reassured. Plus the fact that he owned his own carpentry factory was a plus point as he could offer direct carpentry prices. Right from choosing the tiles , to laminate colors and fabrics we worked together day and ( mostly nights due to my work schedule). He put in a 100% percent and hand to push me when i was too tired to make selections. He even gave me advise whenever i made wrong selections. After exactly 5 weeks and 2 days he handed over the house to me and i have no complains to date ( There is a reason i waited a lil longer to put up this post just in case his workmanship needed touch ups - but it is all good ) Renovating a home is definitely not an easy feat but if it definitely helpful to share if we have come across good contacts A little goes a long way **Pictures to be updated soon**
  15. Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum. Anyway, I would just like to share my experience with my contractor. I happen to like the concept of a plain and simple design for my house and apparently my contractor was able to do it and I like the outcome very much. It is a resale flat of more than 30 years by the way. Here are some pictures which I have taken in my house.
  16. MAXWELL INTERIOR DESIGN FB Live with Lots of free Gifts UNBEATABLE RENOVATION PACKAGES AWAITS !!!! KITCHEN RENOVATION PACKAGE only $2888 nett !!!! Sunday (5 July), 8:30pm! Sign up our Renovation Package to win free Gifts: ️ 1st prize: FREE RENOVATION PACKAGE 2nd prize: FREE BRANDED COOKER HOOD & HOB 3rd price : FREE STAINLESS STEEL SINK & TAP Stay Tune to our very first FB Live! (Stand a Chance to win $$ CASH $$ Prizes when you like and share our FB LIVE) #MaxwellInteriorDesign, #sgrenovation, #renovation, #sginterior, #btopackage, #sgfavouriteid, #sgtopratedid, #moveinpackage, #HDB, #HDBlicensedcontractor, #Singapore
  17. Hi all forumers, After my recent renovation, I am doing a retrospective thinking of my selection of the ID / contractors. In this world where certification qualification is as important as portfolio, I'm just wondering why there hasn't been any framework for renovation contractor to prove themselves. Through my selection process, abet a short one, I felt that I'm greatly restrained by what the IDs and contractors shows through their portfolio (usually, which is definitely bias towards the contractors/IDs themselves) and mainly their quote ($$$), but nothing of what their workers are knowledgable or capable of. To put it simply, I'm putting a blind bet on my current ID and its team of subcontractors (which I currently regreted a bit.) Looking at Building and Construction Authority as the leading agency in this work, there isn't a lack of definition in this area. But I feel that we as consumers aren't really knowledgeable about that and didn't insist that the workers should be train. This is weird as we insist that our accountants should be trained - ACCA or CPA or the likes and the IT staff should be qualified in some Microsoft certification or Cisco System certification, so why not the staff that will be working on our home; which we will live in the years to come. A look at the CoreTrade personel registration by BCA (quoted below), this seemed like a fair assessment and definitely someone with that assessment would be someone that I would trust working in the place that I would live in the years to come. By insisting on the qualifications and certification may probably drive up the costs of renovation work. But on the other hand, it will probably save us lots of time and headache to consider the right company to engage. That is definitely something I would pay for. To share my story, my renovation of my 4 room HDB that is about 95% done is almost good to live in, but the finishing touches by some of the trades just made me feel aggitated - grouting inconsistent or grouts dirty, ethernet jacks not tested, paints drips on unwanted places like window pane and toilet bowls, easily damaged powder coated locks. I feel all these can be avoided if the company is certified with good business process and well trained craftsman. The additional time that I spent not finding a company with these best business practice is costing me a lot of time and money to travel to and fro to supervise their work and to feedback the defects. Couple the above and with a use of a CASETrust contract (found here - https://www.casetrust.org.sg/Download), I'm quite sure it will facilitate everyone to have a good night sleep while dreaming of their new dreamhomes, instead of living to their worse nightmares of arguing with ID, which I'm currently doing.... >.< References https://www.bca.gov.sg/CoreTrade/registration_requirements.html
  18. Need help as I'm a newbie. Need to renovate my 2 room resale flat, and too many IDs have contacted me and given me quotes. Some quote me 18k to 16k. I'm hoping to keep within 14-15k. Anyone who knows someone good? No design in mind. As you can see no carpentry work. Some ID has recommended not to hack the flooring of living and bedroom, just overlay with vinyl flooring. HACKING WORKS Hacking of existing floor tiles **** room. Hacking of existing floor tiles at bedroom. Hacking of existing wall & floor tiles at kitchen area. Hacking of existing wall & floor tiles at toilet area. Hacking of door and door frame of bathroom Hacking of sanitary accessories of bathroom Hacking of existing cabinet and wardrobe MASONRY WORKS Supply & lay selected 60cm x 60cm homogenous floor tiles **** & bedroom include skirting. Supply & lay selected ceramic wall tiles to full height for kitchen area. Supply & lay selected homogenous floor tiles at kitchen area. Supply & lay selected ceramic wall tiles to full height for toilet. Supply & lay selected non-slip homogenous floor tiles for toilet. Supply labour/ materials to apply water proof membrane at kitchen & toilet floor with upturn of 150mm. Supply and fix in replacement of stainless steel bin chute hopper including cover and hinges PLUMBING WORKS Supply & install new inlet & outlet pipes for kitchen & 01 toilet. Supply & install water inlet & outlet pipe for washing machine Supply & install washing machine tap Supply labour only to install 01 no. of kitchen sink with cold tap. Supply labour only to install 01 sets of WC bowls. Supply labour only to install 01 sets of wash basins with cold tap. Supply labour only to install 01 sets of toilet accessories. Supply labour only to install 01 nos. of instant heater PAINTING WORKS Supply painting of interior walls & ceiling for whole house using Nippon paint. Supply painting all doors/ frame, gate & piping etc. DOORS Supply & install 01 sets of aluminium frame c/w acrylic panel bi-fold doors (with top & bottom tracks) at toilet. OTHER WORKS Supply haulage & deliver goods to site. Clearing of debris for whole house. General cleaning & chemical washing for whole house. Floor protection for whole house. Optional: (kindly quote me price for this) Electrical Works: Supply up to 6 units of lighting points Supply and install switches and power point for whole unit Replace of electrical wiring of whole unit
  19. My unit is a 4-room flat of 92sqm (including AC ledge). It's considered really small but oh wells, this is what you get for a 4-room flat nowadays, and thankfully me and wife aren't that big size either. The bombshelter is located in the kitchen that in turn, gives us more space in the LR, which is exactly what we wanted. Can host mahjong session in the LR Initial Floor Plan Our Basic Requirements 1. Spacious MBR and LR 2. Walk-in wardrobe 3. Work area 4. Long mirror cabinet in MBR toilet 5. High Resilient Vinyl Flooring for LR and all BRs 6. Overlay of floor and wall tiles in MBR toilet 7. Bottom cabinet only for hob side, top and bottom cabinet on the opposite side 8. Scandinavian style, with maybe a little pinch of Industrial feel Contractors/IDs Selection 1. Chun Xiang Renovation Pte Ltd I shall skip the scouting process as I'm too lazy to recall each and every detail of them. In summary, I've approached a couple of IDs and Main Cons, but none of them fits my budget with the requirements, except for Edmund (in short I'll just call him E here) from CX Reno. Actually he was introduced to me by a close friend, and I've personally went down to their new house to witness their fine carpentry's workmanship. One thing good about them is that they're already a registered reno contractors with HDB and it will make the approval process of the reno smoother and faster. New Floor Plan with my Idea 1. Sealing up BR2 actual door, and hacking a door linking BR2 with MBR. Making BR2 into a walk-in wardrobe and work area. 2. Changing the direction of MBR door to have better accessibility into walk-in wardrobe. Milestones and Progress Updates 19 / 10 / 2016 - Flat Unit Selected 05 / 01 / 2017 - Submitted Appeal Form for Smooth Rendering Floor (SRF) *mine is a SBF unit, therefore no flooring is done prior, and since we're doing vinyl flooring, we need to get cement screed for our flooring, should take around 6-8 weeks to get approved, i.e. latest by 2nd March* decided to withdraw and appoint my main con screed instead 16 / 01 / 2017 - Collected Keys and Signed of Lease Agreement, Performed Door-opening Ritual 19 / 01 / 2017 - 1st Defects Inspection 21 / 01 / 2017 - Submitted Defects Feedback Form to BSC *takes around 9-14 working days to be rectified by BSC, i.e. latest by 13th Feb* 13 / 02 / 2017 - BSC confirmed 1st rectification completed, pending for 2nd defects check or close case with BSC 18 / 02 / 2017 - Rectification completion confirmed and signed. 16 / 03 / 2017 - Renovation and Hacking work commences! 18 / 03 / 2017 - Electrical work commences! 03 / 06 / 2017 - Final Handover from CX Reno (but still got some nitty-gritty touch ups to be rectified, so they will still be back a few times. And my walk-in wardrobe that is handled by another door contractor, still has not been installed, hopefully they can be installed by mid June, furnitures and electrical appliances are slowly coming in.) Will keep this post updated every now and then... All the completed final renovation images. Hope my blog helped you guys along the way! Living Room Kitchen MBR Toilet Walk-in Wardrobe MBR
  20. TM Designer PTE LTD invites you to experience the art of building ideas. Their legacy is where lovely homes are built and smiles are created. Every client is personal to them and they want the spaces they created to represent the best of them. With a team of highly creative and experienced project consultants, quality builders, carpenters, and renovators, we will turn your dream home into a reality. There are so many options out there! With so many options to choose from, you may walk away from a purchase or design decision wondering if you made the right choice, the right quality. With all the design options, home decor, and interior designers out there we’d like to tell you what sets TM Designers apart. We are professional, humble and we vouch for the quality of our work and our contractors. We can praise ourselves a lot but you will only know when you start with a FREE quote from us! It’s more than a passion project. It’s more than a creative vision realized. Visit us at: 362 Upper Paya Lebar Road #01-15, Da Jin Factory Building, Singapore 534963 Call us at: (65) 6909 8709 Fax us at: (65) 6909 8719 Email us at: enquiry@tm-designers.com
  21. Established since 1981, Hoong Fatt Heng Renovation Pte Ltd, HDB license: HB-09-4071G Specialize/Direct Service: 1) Hacking Works/ Reinstatement for commercial properties, HDB, Landed, Condo 2) Tiling Works for commercial properties, HDB, Landed, Condo 3) Ceiling Works for commercial properties, HDB, Landed, Condo -We assure all our customer that our tilers/skilled workers has a minimum experience of 10-30 years in laying tiles, therefore giving you piece of mind for workmanship -Viewing of tiling workmanship available (Prior to exisiting customers agreement) -Tiles supplier include Soon Bee Huat Trading, Hafary Pte Ltd ,Lian Seng Hin, Taugres, therefore giving customers a huge tiles gallery to choose from. -Alternatively, you can provide us your 3D drawing (if any) from your own freelance designer and we can provide a quote for you. Interested, pls call Tony @ 90061763 or pm me.
  22. Thanks to everyone in the forum, my husband and I managed to find an ID that's pleasant and friendly to deal with. Did scrutinize if it's reliable since they are a new firm, but the lady that followed thru my renovation was very sincere and patient in explaining all the costs incurred. Yes, affordability was very important, and we are happy to have kept it to within our budget. So far so good. has been a enjoyable ride instead of the nightmares that many did face. Will be glad to share. 加油!
  23. Hi everyone! I just want to share my own experience with this ID for design and renovated my new home at Whitehaven (Pasir Panjang). I know this ID- Mr. Chean from JCW Design Gallery via social media advertisement. He is a young man about late 30 ? Very patient and experienced, and willing to listen to what me & my wife want our new home to be. We met initially and I passed him the floor plan and roughly discussed. Over the next 2 meetings, I sent him photos of my inspiration designs that I saw online etc eg. how my toilet should look like and the cabinet designs and tiles. U know these days you can just browse the web and compile the things you like... Eventually we got the keys and we started the project! Overall I'm very satisfied as I feel I am able to design my own space without an ID, and Mr.Chean is able to source for the materials to build my place. He offered advice and gave us more options to consider for the budget that we had. Mr.Chean was able to complete the works before time as I requested to him if he could finish earlier as some unforeseen circumstances landed upon us. I was super impressed by the efficiency and quality of work that he delivered! My in-laws went to check on the progress of the renovation for us as we were quite busy working everyday, and even they commented that we made a good choice (; It's been more than a year now and my place still looks fantastic. And one Mr.Chean I'm here to share out the 3d perspective provided by this ID, also the progress photos of our lovely home. I have been recommending Mr.Chean from JCW Design Gallery to my friends and so far they all satisfied! Pm me for his contact!
  24. Decided to give a pat in the back for these chaps @ gong studio (interior design) singapore Have been exploring for a few months suitable designs for our flat @ bukit merah. Went to several agencies around Jurong and Ubi, hoping to find a reasonably priced quote. No doubt it was all rather quite competitive in pricing, but from the manner that the consultant was speaking to us (my wife and in-laws), it seems that some of them were pushing for more costly finishes. Unfortunately, my in-laws didnt feel that they were "listening" to our needs. Instead, recommending what seems to be a cookie-cutter approach One of my school mates introduced us to gong studio. A newly set up firm. Understand that some of the staffs have prior experience in other agencies. Anyway, she came over on Sunday night during our family dinner. And yes, she presented her ideas after touring our place while we were having our dinner. She dropped by 2 days later and slipped the plans underneath the door. Called to ask why and she wanted all to visualize and be able to make comments, esp my in-laws. She has been responsive, and been tending to my queries (practically daily) on the phone. She has even suggested to drop by to understand in better details? All this, without the agreement signed. So here we are, nearing to the completion of our renovation. It definitely started on a right note for us, and so far, it has been a good experience. They are always there to supervise when the contractors are present. On several occasions during our spot checks, our place was well-kept and neat. To all, believe you will find one that suits your needs, and understand your requirements. Enjoy the experience, that's very important too
  25. I would like to thank Interior Times ID Angela Chong (Tradehub 21) for the great service provided. She is approachable friendly and always have room for discussion, provide great ideas. Her after sale service is great too. Will call up and check if all products are going well even mths after reno completed. Despite her busy schedules, she will always tried to answer to our queries. Overall she's a good ID & I would recommend her to those who want to renovate their house. I appreciate her great help and ideas and is totally satisfied with the whole reno. Worth every single cents with good quality products and great service provided by team. Greatly recommended!