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  1. Hi All, I am in the process of getting a resale flat. This is our (wife and me) first time buying and renovating a house. The first appointment is over and now we are waiting for the second appointment. Currently sourcing out for contractors for our renovation. The idea is to keep the house as simple as possible. As much as possible, no built in carpentry other than the kitchen cabinet of course. We do not have any kids, therefore, the 2 common room will be of the least priority. Do note that it is more of hacking / re-instate the unit to its original condition. I like it simple. Easier to clean and replace. No cookie clutter. Plumbing and electrical can be done on my own. So no issues for that. Is 15K a realistic budget to set for the following? Your advise is appreciated. Thank you.
  2. Hi guys, I am getting my bto flat next year. Wish to extend my hdb bto toilet. Wish to ask if anyone has wrote in to hdb and done this successfully before? I dont mind voiding the warranty and do waterproofing on the extended areas. Also appreciate if anyone has a letter template to write in to HDB on this too. Thanks much!
  3. SENGKANG HDB 4-ROOM MODEL 4A UNIT FOR SALE! * No agent fees Very well maintained and clean unit Marble and parquet flooring Convenient and accessible location - 1 min to LRT station, 7 mins to Sengkang MRT station Plenty of amenities around including Sports Complex, supermarkets, shopping malls, eateries, ATM and movie theater Within 1km from Nan Chiau Primary/ High School All races and Permanent Residents (PR) are eligible Please drop me a private message or call me at 8170 7241 for a discussion.
  4. Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum. Anyway, I would just like to share my experience with my contractor. I happen to like the concept of a plain and simple design for my house and apparently my contractor was able to do it and I like the outcome very much. It is a resale flat of more than 30 years by the way. Here are some pictures which I have taken in my house.
  5. Introducing KIO SAI Gang, a group Singaporean Plumbing and Electrical professionals to settle your headache. Core Service - Whole House Electrical Wiring / DB Box / ELCB / Main Circuit Breaker / Switch Point / Power Plug - Ceiling Fan Installation - Hot / Cold water Pipe Installation - Pipe Leakage / Chokage fixture - Basin or Sink Chokage - Light and Heater Installation - Repair Toilet Bowl flushing system - Change and Install w/c Toilet Bowl - Tap change and install - Jacuzzi / Bathshell Installation Other aspects of renovation rectification also available. e.g: Plastering, Putty, Painting. We help you to break down your mountainous problem into small bits. We are experience in Renovation industry. Noticed there have been some disturbing trend of renovation defects and half done job. The worse we encountered were runaway (missing) contractors/ID. You guys have been enduring the poor workmanship, incomplete details in your house irks you. You always give a sigh whenever you see the defect. We are here to help. Don't drag any longer. The faster you solve your problem, the less stressful you'll be. Interested parties, PM please! Look forward to hear from you! Find and Like our Facebook Page 'KIO SAI'
  6. Renovation/Reinstatement HDB Condo Retail Shops We also do provide Customised Furniture Works Looking for a free quote, please email to teccraft@gmail.com
  7. Renovation/Reinstatement HDB Condo Retail Shops We also do provide Customised Furniture Works Looking for a free quote, please email to teccraft@gmail.com
  8. Hi, I'm letting go 2 Claytan toilet bowls (grey colour) at $80 each as my ID threw in sanitary fittings in my reno contract. They're installed by HDB and are in brand new condition, never been used before. Self collection at Punggol, and prices negotiable for fast deal. Thanks.
  9. Hello, everyone! I'm usually a lazy person so I can't believe I'm actually here doing this. I just got my BTO flat done up and the whole process of looking for an ID, going through designs and quotations REPEATEDLY to find the right one was such a hassle. We all working adults, where got time?? Every weekend burned. I heard terrible stories from my friends and colleagues of going with the wrong ID, aside from the obvious money loss, there was also constant worrying and bad fixture of lights, tiling, and water piping issues that made things far worse than you could imagine. Waste time and waste money in the long run. To help young couples like myself or any first time ID experience, I'm going to share with you guys my amazing ID that I chanced upon. I was discussing design plans with another designer (overpriced and not good, can PM me if u wanna avoid potential trouble) at Novena starbucks when I saw Kelvin. Hubby and I noticed he was on his laptop using AutoCAD. Hubby told me this is usually used by architects. We were super impressed with what he was doing (he was shifting furniture from many angles). None of the 4 IDs we discussed with were as professional as this. After our meeting ended, we approached K and asked him if he was an ID. Indeed he was and that was how our reno journey begun. Kelvin was beyond impressive and hardworking. To put simply, his work ethics is amazing His follow ups were really super. His prices were decent and in terms of carpentry, workmanship was good and cheaper than most. We found out that he studied architecture in NUS so he had extremely good knowledge in this aspect. Our reno was extremely user-friendly with no cock ups, especially toilets and kitchens (most of my friends horror stories, were that although the design is nice but not functional in LR. problems start popping out after time, piping issues like washing machine or toilets, as a lot of IDs don't have proper knowledge on how houses are built. they only know design from being a copycat is not enough, create a lot of problems underneath the surface). One thing that really stood out was this: most IDs I work with gave us designs sketch ups or drawings that look good and impressive. This normally drawn by hand. Make a small room look super big and nice. My friends tell me this just a trick, finished product usually disappointing and lousy. when I see drawings from IDs, I get very skeptical. My hubby: The room got so big meh? ID: This design will open up your room. Seamless finishing and more windows, blah blah. For Kelvin, all his designs and floorplans were drawn to exact dimensions. This really help us with choosing the right furnitures and improve our home. No disappointments at all overall, hubby and I are super satisfied and happy with how smooth everything went. Kelvin really gave us a peace of mind, glad to avoid horror stories and start our life in our perfect home. This was longer than expected so I shall end here. If got questions on design or interested can PM me, happy to share!
  10. Hello, everyone! I'm usually a lazy person so I can't believe I'm actually here doing this. I just got my BTO flat done up and the whole process of looking for an ID, going through designs and quotations REPEATEDLY to find the right one was such a hassle. We all working adults, where got time?? Every weekend burned. I heard terrible stories from my friends and colleagues of going with the wrong ID, aside from the obvious money loss, there was also constant worrying and bad fixture of lights, tiling, and water piping issues that made things far worse than you could imagine. Waste time and waste money in the long run. To help young couples like myself or any first time ID experience, I'm going to share with you guys my amazing ID that I chanced upon. I was discussing design plans with another designer (overpriced and not good, can PM me if u wanna avoid potential trouble) at Novena starbucks when I saw Kelvin. Hubby and I noticed he was on his laptop using AutoCAD. Hubby told me this is usually used by architects. We were super impressed with what he was doing (he was shifting furniture from many angles). None of the 4 IDs we discussed with were as professional as this. After our meeting ended, we approached K and asked him if he was an ID. Indeed he was and that was how our reno journey begun. Kelvin was beyond impressive and hardworking. To put simply, his work ethics is amazing His follow ups were really super. His prices were decent and in terms of carpentry, workmanship was good and cheaper than most. We found out that he studied architecture in NUS so he had extremely good knowledge in this aspect. Our reno was extremely user-friendly with no cock ups, especially toilets and kitchens (most of my friends horror stories, were that although the design is nice but not functional in LR. problems start popping out after time, piping issues like washing machine or toilets, as a lot of IDs don't have proper knowledge on how houses are built. they only know design from being a copycat is not enough, create a lot of problems underneath the surface). One thing that really stood out was this: most IDs I work with gave us designs sketch ups or drawings that look good and impressive. This normally drawn by hand. Make a small room look super big and nice. My friends tell me this just a trick, finished product usually disappointing and lousy. when I see drawings from IDs, I get very skeptical. My hubby: The room got so big meh? ID: This design will open up your room. Seamless finishing and more windows, blah blah. For Kelvin, all his designs and floorplans were drawn to exact dimensions. This really help us with choosing the right furnitures and improve our home. No disappointments at all overall, hubby and I are super satisfied and happy with how smooth everything went. Kelvin really gave us a peace of mind, glad to avoid horror stories and start our life in our perfect home. This was longer than expected so I shall end here. If got questions on design or interested can PM me, happy to share!
  11. The search for a home for my fiancé (S) and I began around 10 months ago. Knowing that we would be planning to get married sometime in 2017 and that we would want to move into our home right after our wedding, we wanted to get an early start on the house-hunt. Fast forward to July 2017, and as of two days ago, we are now officially (both on paper and in practice too – we just received our keys!) home-owners of an HDB executive maisonette in the west side of Singapore (: We’ll be doing some pretty extensive renovations (pretty much a complete makeover) – hacking, shifting layouts of the existing rooms, flooring, electrical works, a whole great deal of carpentry etc. The original floorplan: The 2 biggest changes to the layout will be: 1) Kitchen: As an avid baker, I know I'll be spending a great deal of my time here. So one of the prerequisites in our house hunt was to find a place that could accommodate a big kitchen. Thank God that HDB has approved our proposal to knock down the existing wall between the study and kitchen, so that we can convert the entire area into 1 giant kitchen (: 2) MBR: One of the first things we noticed when viewing the flat was that the existing corridor space outside Bedroom 2 is pretty much a dead space. So we decided to wall in the entire area, "reclaim" the dead space for a walk-in wardrobe, build a door from WC2 to Bedroom 2 and use that as our MBR instead. One more layout change is to make WC3 into a slightly more squarish layout, as this would improve the layout for the kitchen, and what will become the "corridor" to the yard area doesn't have to be quite so wide anyway. This is still pending HDB's approval though, but we're keeping our hopes up and praying hard!
  12. Hi, I got quoted the following for my 3 room HDB renovation, to summarize:Design (include 3D, Warranty, application for permit): $500Chemical Wash: $200Painting (whole house): $1000Hacking (2 bedroom and storeroom): $1700Lay homogenous tiles (2 bedroom): $3500Vinyl flooring for hacked storeroom floor: $600Sliding door for kitchen (Aluminum+glass): $2900Electrical works (whole house): $2400Total: $12800, around 13k.Is this quotation reasonable? I noticed the sliding door seems quite expensive (to be fair it is spanning the entire kitchen width, it is quite a big door).Thanks for your expert advice!
  13. Hi all I have been quietly collecting data, (like a squirrel!) and learning everything there is to know about renovation from this forum for the past 6 months. Never knew what is kompac-huh? until now, plus there are so many different types of flooring, each week a new type appeared and it's back to good old Google for more research. And dun get me started on those wall tiles selection, there are like a hundred choices out there! Anyway, since I have a tighter than a bark on tree budget, I will have to scale down a lot of stuff and even make-do with whatever existing there is. So finally, I collected my house keys and now I can start on this exciting (really?) journey to renovate my bachelor pad. It is a 3 room HDB 30 plus years old resale and here is the floorplan. Do-able for 20k? I hope so.
  14. Hello all I am quoted the following for the corresponding items. May I check if these are too expensive? 1) Platform bed (254cm x 130cm x 30cm) - $2800 2) Full height shelf (130cm x 240 cm x ? cm) - $1750 3) Shift current built in wardrobe to another area (230cm x 240cm x 60cm) - $770 Thank you everyone.
  15. Looking to change the sliding windows and grills for a 25 year old 4 rm hdb flat (living room, 3 bedrooms and kitchen windows and grills) Quoted 3.6k for windows and 1.3k for window grills = $4.9k Another quoted me $4.1k in total Is this ex? appreciate your advise and any good recommendation too?
  16. Hi, I'm new here. We will acquire our flat in Aug. It is a 4A corner unit, resale. We are looking to get a contractor to renovate the unit for us but don't know where and how to start. We've contacted Aian Furniture and Renovation, Henry from Impress 21 and H2o Design. Any other contractors to recommend? We are not Mandarin-speaking. Please also advise us on how to start about. We aren't sure what to do. All we know is that if we hire an ID, they will do everything for us. But we're looking to cut costs. Would appreciate all advice, thank you!
  17. My HDB estate is currently undergoing Home Improvement Programme (HIP). HDB units (especially those just renovated their houses) who do not opt for toilet/bathroom upgrading must undergo a compulsory water proofing test. According to HDB, the toilet floor will be flooded to 2.5cm of water for 4 hours. If there is leak to the ceiling of the flat below then the water proofing test has failed. We all know HDB flats are strictly residential. I can't think of anybody who bathe for a continuous long period of 4 hours and able to flood the toilet floor to even 1cm of water. The diameter of drainage outlet is so much bigger than diameter of shower tap. Water outflow is anytime faster than water inflow. Is the criteria for HDB water proofing test a little too far fetched and UNREALISTIC. Also, are water proofing membrane done by HDB authorised contractors designed to withstand 2.5cm of water for 4 hours; because I never hear it mentioned when I talked to renovation contractors and it was never even in the terms and conditions. I have people in other forums insisting this is standard test. Since this criteria was never mentioned or noted in renovation contract, can we assume it is standard HDB requirement and so is IMPLICIT in the agreement. And suppose water test failed, can we get contractor to compensate/foot cost of repair ? I hope HDB, MND, URA, building professionals, and knowledgeable people can kindly contribute, comment, and advise on this matter. Thank you. PS: I am not so IT literate and my friend help me post this article. If there is a proper forum to raise this issue, kindly help me port this over or do advise. Thank you.
  18. Hi all Looking for quotes for full reno for resale EA of 149sqm. Works include (but not limited to) : 1) hacking of kitchen cabinets and 2.5 walls 2) hacking of main door area to accommodate recess area 3) hacking utility door wall and 2 sides of common room walls 4) erecting half glass and full glass panels (to be discussed) 5) hacking of all flooring in living room, kitchen, bath bathrooms and recess area 6) tiling for all above areas 7) carpentry (to be discussed) Wish to know what is a good budget. Thanks!
  19. George’s only concession to the sun had been to leave the top button of his shirt undone. Having turned eighty and lost his wife earlier in the year, George had travelled from Wisconsin because he had something final to do. Sitting on a blanket on the beach, with thermos and sandwiches, George looked out of place. But he knew this place. George sipped coffee and viewed the scenes. Bronzed young bodies, some with six-packs and others with bare breasts, soaked up the sun. Fat middle-aged men and their fatter wives drank pale lager and smoked between chapters. Mothers suncreamed wriggling toddlers. Teenagers listened to music and eyed other teenagers. Children made sandcastles and chased each other along the beach, squealing. George watched the waves hitting the beach. He was too distant to hear them crash, but he knew their sound. A young couple walked hand-in-hand, the surf washing over their feet. George remembered that feeling. “Nice gelato! Nice gelato!” the vendor shouted, bent under the weight of his cooler box. George bought an ice cream because he felt sorry for the vendor, an African far from home. He thought how the vendor must have to hide from the authorities and sleep in a hovel because he was born in the wrong place. The vendor left and George watched him go. Thirty yards on, a long-limbed youn
  20. I need help for second opinion on my quotation. Don't know to go ahead with this because is slightly of my budget but my gut feeling tells me this ID is able to execute what I want base on the past project they did. Quotation for 4-room (92sqm) 1. Erect 2" H Kitchen Cabinet Base with cement plaster on top surface and tiles at the sides (Use spare tiles provided by HDB) : $600 2. Erect 2" H shower kerb at 2 baths (Use spare tiles provided by HDB) : $320 3. Purchase prepacked materials :$850 4. Upload materials and debris removal :$730 5. Supply and lay 60 x 60 cm homogenous tiles ($3/sqf) to living and 3 bedrooms flooring come with skirting: $8400 6. Install bronze alumni clear glass sliding window at yard without top hung (3tracks-3panels) :$700 7. Install 10mm thick clear tempered 1 fixed and 1 swing shower screen at master bath with hinges mounted to wall (wall to wall) :$560 8. Install 10mm thick s/blasted glass swing door at master bath entrance (s/blasted facing outside) standard size: $660 9. Install P/coat alumin acrylic panel PD door at common bath entrance (Selected pattern, standard size): $360 10. Construct Designer kitchen cabinet (Laminate with ABS edging inclusive soft closed hinges and draws with full extension tracks), Top and bottom 2.8m, include 2 tier stainless steel rack and frosted glass panel and cutlery tray. Installation of hood and hob: $3080 11. Fabricate kitchen island without cement base in laminate finish: 1.8m (w) x 0.8m (d) x 0.9m (h): $2000 12. Fabricate quartz worktop for kitchen cabinet and island: $2080 13. Fabricate sliding panel wardrobe at master room in laminate finish. (Come with internal fitting storage system) 2.2m: $2480 14. Fabricate queen size bed frame in laminate finish (1.5m (w) x 0.3m (h)) with storage on one side: $1800 15. Painting Nippon vinilex 5000 matt finish to internal wall and martex white to ceiling. Choice of 5 max colours and multiple trips: $1700 16. Chemical wash (if applicable) and general cleaning: $350 17. Laying protection sheets for affected areas: $300 18. Supply and install 3 veneer (Semi-core) door with round knob: $870 (Top up $40 each door for solid wood) 19. Plumbing (Labour charge only) a. Sink/basin and tap x3 sets : $360 b. Bath accessories x 2 sets : $120 c. Spray gun and mini valve x 2 sets: $120 d. Extension of piping for sink :$60 e. Run exposed pipe after city gas: $360 f. Rainshower at master: $120 20. Electrical work: $1500 base cost (Any additional work will incur top up) 21. Design and space planning fees (Consultation, colour & material proposal, site supervision & coordination, perspective drawing for carpentry works, submission to HDB/BCA) :$1300 Total cost: $31660 (NETT) Confirmation fee: $2000 (Can be deducted out from final amount) + 7%GST Do help me and feel free to comment and advice how do I ask ID to lower the quote. Thank you so much
  21. Dear all fellow new home owners, I have been a silent reader for the longest time and we are estimating key collection to be somewhere around the last quarter of this year Recently we have started looking around for IDs, asking them for quotes, shortlisted a few, and so far it came down to 2 IDs: 1.) 9 Degree Construction 2.) My Design Interior Has anyone engaged them before recently? We would love to know some comments/feedback before we make our decision. Thanks in advance!
  22. Selling brand new epic gate digital lock for hdb/bto gate. - Made In Korean - Unlock by using card, password or remote control - Register up to 30 user card - One Time Password - Scramble Code Function - Easy Installation Letting go as i bought 2 sets by accident. Self collection at yishun. Whatsapp/ SMS 81554069 to deal or request for more pic/video